Assurance of emergency management plans

Section 60AG of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013) requires that each emergency management plan to be submitted for approval alongside with a completed Statement of Assurance (SOA), to the relevant approver. Approval of a plan is recorded within the relevant approver’s committee meeting minutes. All published plans should be taken treated as approved.

The SOA is a specified template, available on this Resource Library.

State Emergency Management Plan

State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) or SEMP sub-plan Statement of Assurance template

Regional Emergency Management Plan

Regional Emergency Management Plan (REMP) or REMP sub-plan Statement of Assurance template

Municipal Emergency Management Plan

Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) or MEMP sub-plan Statement of Assurance template

Statement of Assurance advisory material – MEMP or MEMP sub-plan

The current assurance and approval requirements have been in effect since 1 December 2020. These requirements replaced the Victoria State Emergency Service’s previous audit process for MEMPs.

The SOA verifies that the plan has been prepared in accordance with the EM Act 2013 and with due regard to the Ministerial Guidelines.

The SOA consists of:

  • an assurance checklist, to ensure all requirements from the EM Act 2013 have been met
  • a certificate of assurance signed by the preparer to confirm that the plan is compliant with the EM Act 2013.

The EM Act 2013 requires that a SOA must:

  • state the extent to which the emergency management plan was prepared in accordance with the EM Act 2013
  • ensure an emergency management plan has been prepared with regard to any guidelines issued under Section 77 of the EM Act 2013
  • list the date on which the plan was last reviewed when emergency management plans are updated.