Urgent update of an emergency management plan

Under section 60AM of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013), an urgent update may be made to an emergency management plan that remains in force for up to 3 months if:

  • the plan’s preparer is of the opinion that an update to its emergency management plan is urgent
  • there is a significant risk that life or property will be endangered if the emergency management plan is not updated
  • complying with consultation requirements is not practicable in the circumstances.

An urgent update to the emergency management plan made by the relevant preparer under this section comes into effect when it is published in accordance with section 60AI(1)(a) or (ab), as the case may be, remains in force for a period of 3 months after it is published.

The relevant approver may revoke any update made to the emergency management plan under this section.