Approval of emergency management plans

Section 60AH of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013) outlines that after an emergency management plan is prepared, the relevant preparer must submit the emergency management plan to the relevant approver for consideration.

State Emergency Management Plan

The State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) and its sub-plans are:

  • assured by the prepare
  • submitted to the State Crisis and Resilience Council (SCRC) for approval.

The SEMP or sub-plan is to be provided to the State Emergency Management Planning Committee (SEMPC) for endorsement, prior to being lodged with SCRC.

Please note: the SEMP or sub-plans do not go via the SCRC Policy and Strategy Sub-Committee (PASS).It progresses through SEMPC instead.

The relevant control agency of each sub-plan is responsible for:

  • registering the sub-plan with SCRC
  • submitting the plan to SCRC once endorsed by SEMPC.

Regional Emergency Management Plan

Regional Emergency Management Plans (REMPs) and their sub-plans are prepared and assured by the relevant Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee (REMPC). 

It is provided to the Emergency Management Commissioner (EMC) for approval.

The REMP or sub-plan is to be provided to the EMC for approval, via (External link).

Municipal Emergency Management Plan

Municipal Emergency Management Plans (MEMPs) and sub-plans prepared and assured by the relevant Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC).  It is then provided to the relevant REMPC for approval.

The multi-agency MEMPC prepares the MEMP, not the municipal council. The plan is presented to the relevant REMPC for approval.

Agencies that are represented on both a MEMPC and REMPC are not required to declare a conflict of interest in the REMPC’s approval of the respective municipal district’s MEMP.

The relevant approver may approve the emergency management plan if they are satisfied that the relevant preparer has complied with the requirements of the EM Act 2013 in relation to the plan.

In determining whether to approve an emergency management plan, a relevant approver must have regard to the accompanying SOA.

The relevant approver may, as soon as practicable, approve the emergency management plan if they are satisfied that it complies with the EM Act 2013. Where deemed necessary, the relevant approver may seek further information. For example, evidence of the consultation that has occurred.

The relevant approver will manage conflicts of interest in approving the emergency management plan.

In making its assessment the relevant approver should:

  • have regard to the resources and expertise available 
  • recognise that planning will involve a process of continuous improvement over time.

The approver is encouraged to advise the preparer where there are specific areas to be strengthened throughout the emergency management plan. This is to facilitate continuous improvement throughout the next planning cycle.

The approval process is intended to ensure compliance with the requirements of the EM Act 2013. Approving an emergency management plan does not mean the approver becomes accountable for the implementation or effectiveness of the plan.

If an emergency management plan or statement of assurance does not comply with the EM Act 2013, the relevant approver may decline to approve the plan. If this occurs, the approver should:

  • provide clear advice to the preparer about what is required
  • support efforts to achieve compliance as soon as possible and within an agreed period of not more than 12 months.