
Displaying 251 - 260 of 285 results
Publish date Title Summary
The Community Smoke Air Quality & Health Standard The Community Smoke Air Quality & Health Standard (or Community SAQH Standard) provides direction for the protection of community health in response to smoke events resulting in significant levels of fine particles in the outdoor environment.
The Standards for Managing Exposure to Significant Carbon Monoxide Emissions These Standard provide direction for all agencies responding to large, extended or complex fires that produce significant levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the outdoor environment.
The value of volunteers, volunteering and volunteerism (3Vs) The 3Vs Final Report: Uncovering the hidden value provides a fresh perspective and advanced way of thinking about the value created by Victoria’s volunteers (the people), volunteering (the activities) and volunteerism (the culture) referred to as the 3Vs. 
Tostaree fire review The fire at Tostaree on February 1, 2011 was the most significant for the 2010-11 Victorian bushfire season and since the February 2009 fires.
Transition Guide for reformed municipal emergency management planning arrangements (with FAQs) This transition guide outlines the minimum requirements to align all municipal districts with the reformed emergency management planning arrangements outlined in the Emergency Management Legislation Amendment Act 2018 (EMLA Act). The EMLA Act amends a number of Acts, including the Emergency Management Act 2013.
TriTech Lubricants factory fire The Fire Services Commissioner requested the Emergency Services Commissioner undertake a review of the fire that occurred on 19 May 2011 at the TriTech Lubricants factory fire located in Dandenong South.
Understanding disaster recovery Provides a broad context and understanding of recovery from disaster and has been designed as a companion document to be read before the specialist information detailed in each of the other booklets.
Victoria's Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2018 The Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2018 provides an overview of resilience improvement activities being undertaken by Victoria's eight critical infrastructure sectors.
Victoria's Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2019 This fourth All Sectors Resilience Report published under the critical infrastructure arrangements provides an overview of the eight Victorian critical infrastructure sectors, detailing the most prominent emergency risks likely to disrupt their operation. The report also summarises the resilience improvement initiatives conducted by the eight sectors from mid-2018 to mid-2019, and articulates the scope of the next year’s intended work program.
Victoria's Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2020 The Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2020 provides an overview of resilience improvement activities being undertaken by Victoria's eight critical infrastructure sectors.