SEMP Radiation Sub-Plan

Purpose and scope

This State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) Radiation Sub-Plan (the plan) outlines the integrated and coordinated whole-of-government approach required to respond effectively to radiation emergencies in Victoria. It provides guidance on mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery from radiation emergencies.

This is the first iteration of a SEMP Radiation Sub-Plan and will not supersede a previous Sub-Plan. 

The plan joins a suite of other hazard-specific plans as a sub-plan of the State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP).


The audience for this plan comprises all relevant agencies and healthcare providers. In particular, this includes the emergency management sector and health sector with a role in the preparedness for, response to and recovery from a radiation emergency.

This includes the Victorian Government and agencies, local government, emergency services, health services, regulated entities and businesses.

Community members may find the contents of this plan informative to prepare for, respond to and recover from radiation emergencies.

How to read this document

This plan is activated in conjunction with the arrangements set out in the SEMP Health Emergencies Sub Plan (HESP) and should be read in conjunction with the State Emergency Management Plan.

Plan preparation, approval and review

The Department of Health coordinated the development of this plan in conjunction with emergency management agencies, in line with the Emergency Management Act 2013.

This plan aligns with the SEMP and was prepared in line with the Guidelines for Preparing State, Regional and Municipal Emergency Management Plans. It was endorsed by the State Crisis and Resilience Council (SCRC) on 29 November 2023.

The plan was current at the time of publication and remains in effect until modified, superseded or withdrawn. It will be reviewed and updated every 3 years in accordance with the SEMP, or more frequently, as required.

Download SEMP Radiation Emergencies Sub-Plan



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