
Displaying 71 - 80 of 291 results
Publish date Title Summary
Emergency Management Victoria Year in Review 2015-16 The EMV Year in Review 2015-16 highlights the challenges, achievements and reform that occurred across Victoria’s emergency management sector.
Emergency Management Victoria Year in Review 2016-17 The EMV Year in Review 2016-17 highlights the challenges, achievements and reform that occurred across Victoria’s emergency management sector.
Emergency Management Volunteer Statement Through reference to the key principles set down in this Emergency Management Volunteer Statement, the parties commit to use and apply the Statement to strengthen the culture of volunteering in Victoria and build a shared understanding of, and respect for, the critical role that volunteers play in the emergency management sector and community.
Emergency Risks in Victoria Report (February 2014) This report provides information to support and assist users, whether state or local government officials, NGOs, researchers, or businesses, to better understand the emergency risks that exist in Victoria. It also sets out what is being done about those risks, and sources of further information, in order to better support strategic priority-setting.

Emergency Risks in Victoria Report (July 2020) Reports the results of Victoria’s state-level emergency risk assessment. It contains information about Victoria’s significant emergency related risks, including a comparison of their severity, and the institutional arrangements in place to manage these risks.
Emergency Services Volunteer Sustainability Grants Program The Emergency Services Volunteer Sustainability Grants Program was a grants program that was funded in 2016-17 and 2018-19 by the Victorian Government to support the significant contribution of the more than 100,000 Victorian emergency management volunteers, through much needed investment to address urgent facilities, equipment and training needs.
Emergency Works one-page overview Emergency Works one-page overview
EMOC Program Emergency Management Operational Communications Program
EMV Vision Goal Roles and Values Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) supports a sector-wide approach to achieve joined up outcomes that are community-focused.
Engaging the community in disaster recovery Examines how councils can support community-led recovery and engage with the community more effectively to support recovery.