MSAR Reform Implementation Board

A vital role of the Reform Implementation Board is to develop and implement the Reform Implementation Plan.

The focus is on identifying necessary changes to statutory and policy frameworks, exploring ways to more adequately and reliably fund the Marine Search and Rescue (MSAR) sector and look for opportunities to secure sustainable capability for MSAR providers.

The responsibilities of the MSAR Reform Implementation Board are to:

  1. oversee the development and implementation of an MSAR Initial Reform Work Plan that includes:
    • developing a state MSAR strategy based on a risk assessment informed by local knowledge
    • understanding the current and required MSAR capability
    • developing common MSAR standards and training and exercising programs
    • establishing a common accreditation process
    • developing common communication protocols
    • identifying any necessary changes to statutory and policy frameworks to ensure that volunteer MSAR Service Providers have the authority to undertake the MSAR activities they perform and have the necessary protections from liability when doing so
  2. determine the funding implications of the proposed reforms
  3. explore mechanisms for more adequate and reliable funding for the MSAR sector and processes for procuring and allocating resources based on risk
  4. explore opportunities for building and strengthening a sustainable MSAR capability for the state, including supporting the recruitment and retention of volunteers
  5. oversee any other measures that will give effect to the reform of the state’s MSAR arrangements as envisaged by the Government Response to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Marine Rescue Services in Victoria (External link).

The Reform Implementation Board reports to the Emergency Management Commissioner, and is guided by the outcomes from the MSAR Working Group.

The Board meets quarterly and meeting details can be found below, along with the Terms of Reference.

To keep up to date with the latest information please subscribe to the MSAR newsletter.  (External link)


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